Toilet Paper? Really?

Like most of the rest of the world, I've been watching this whole drama of the Coronavirus unfold. I don't know why it is that we've lived through the Ebola virus, the H1 N1 virus, the SARS virus without all the panic, but now the whole world is going spastic over this. I'm not saying that it isn't serious, but as of a few minutes ago, there had only been 72 deaths attributed to it in the United States. I can only assume that most of those deaths were of folks whose immune systems were already compromised. What worries me more than the virus, is the fear surrounding the virus. Fear makes it hard to make a good decision. A case in point is the rush to purchase mass quantities of toilet paper. Really? You're afraid that you won't have any toilet paper if the virus persists? Not only are folks buying toilet paper, but napkins and paper towels are flying off the shelf. A word of caution. DON'T use napkins or paper towels in your flush toilet. For that matter don't use rags, leaves or that shirt from Disneyland that you've outgrown. If have an outhouse out back, go for it, but if you use anything other than toilet paper in your indoor plumbing, coronavirus won't be the only thing troubling you. A plumber will most certainly charge you a bundle for coming to unclog your plumbing. IF he'll show up at all. This whole thing has everyone so spooked that I don't know what to expect anymore. I just saw a clip from New York's mayor Bill Deblasio or Blah Blah Bill if you will, suggesting that if shortages in the supermarkets continue, the government may have to step in and control how much each person can purchase at the store. Just what we need, the government telling us how much toilet paper we can buy. Are they next going to have TP police monitoring our use in the bathrooms? Fear, as I mentioned, makes people act irrationally. The stock market is plunging because of fear. People aren't flying or going to theme parks or going out to eat because of fear. Restaurant workers and baristas and flight attendants are going to be doing without a paycheck to name just a few. Fear is like a giant organism feeding on itself, the more we feed it the larger it gets. Jesus said in more than one passage "Fear not." "What can you change by worrying?" If you want to change things for the better, start praying. If you aren't in the habit of doing so, it's a great time to start. Even if you don't believe it works, what can it hurt to try? You might be pleasantly surprised. In one passage of scripture God says- "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, I will hear from heaven and heal their land." Sounds like a small price to pay for restoring this country. This is a perfect opportunity to see what we're made of. This too will pass, and we're going to be left looking at our actions to see what manner of people we are. This country has been through two world wars, a depression, a dust bowl, multiple deadly diseases and 9/11 to name a few. Let's not be undone by the coronavirus. Do like they say- wash your hands frequently, stay home if you're sick and avoid large crowds, but don't panic. If you are one of the many folks who have hoarded the toilet paper, I hope you also bought some groceries to along with it, because you sure won't need that TP if you haven't got anything to eat. I hope your roof doesn't leak or what you've put your hopes in will be soggy without ever being flushed.


  1. Great blog Dad. Love you. Camille

  2. Hi Camille, thanks. If Mark ends up at home for a few weeks, have him go out back and dig an outhouse hole. It can come in handy in an emergency, like no TP or if you have guests and they're hogging the bathroom. Love you too.


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