All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go

   I've got a few pictures from Halloween 2019. One that I truly wish I had was a fine young fellow  who came out with his children on All Hallow's Eve to keep them safe. His name is Wilbur, and I've known him for years. He was a student in the school where I worked for a season. He used to address himself as Wilbyrightback. He's always been a pleasant young man and he's got quite the sense of humor. He frequently comes to work with assorted colors of nail polish on his fingernails. His daughter likes to paint them, and Wilby allows her to. When I answered the door on Halloween, aside from a lovely little girl dressed as I don't recall, her full sized father, Wilbur, was dressed in a mermaid costume, complete with wig and sparkly fins. It was hilarious. I do wish I'd gotten the picture, but I'm afraid it was an opportunity missed.  However, I didn't miss the chance to see my great granddaughter Evelee dressed as a fairy, complete with wings, catching a nap on her dog Penny. I can't imagine that it was any too comfortable for the pooch, but she stayed right there for the duration, providing a pillow for the little princess. Later, after the porch light was turned off, and I was in the office, I heard a commotion out on the front porch. I was kind of expecting some rowdy teenagers to be at the door demanding a ransom of candy in exchange for a guarantee of no window soaping or whatever. Obviously draping the house with toilet paper has become too expensive. On the one hand, I almost wish that would happen. I'd go out and collect it for a future date.  Anyway, when I turned the light on I saw my friends Mark and Sarah along with their dog Rabano. Mark was dressed as a priest and Sarah for all the world looked like she had just stepped out of a village in the Alps. They like to get dressed up for the various holidays. Last year at Christmas I believe they had some green elf costumes. I believe that this year they've purchased some bear costumes for an ugly sweater contest that they've attended the past few years. I guess I'm too much of a stick in the mud to bother with dressing up for anything. I haven't been out for Halloween since I was about ten or twelve. I remember some neighbor friends who told me about going to a house in their previous home town, and when they knocked on one fellow's door and said Trick or Treat he said Trick and poured soup in their bags. That kind of puts a damper on the spirit of the holiday. I don't doubt that thereafter he was the recipient of  multiple juvenile acts of revenge. It's never a good idea to mistreat children, and especially not on Halloween. Next up on the holiday circuit is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I have a turkey hat packed away somewhere, probably where I'll never find it. I'll have to see if I can dig it up. Maybe if the weather is good I can don the turkey hat, Jen can wear the chicken one, and we can go for a walk outside, just to show folks what kind of class we have.


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