Are You a River Or a Reservoir?

  Unless you've been living in a cave without any opportunity to hear the news and stay abreast of current events, you most likely know that Houston Texas was hit with a devastating hurricane  a week or so ago. It appears that Florida may also be in line for a pounding from the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic. To say the least, the devastation is overwhelming. Honestly, I can't imagine what those poor folks are going through. Can you imagine losing your home, having to evacuate to a shelter with a whole bunch of other people whom you don't know, depending on someone else to provide you with a place to sleep, something to eat, perhaps something to wear. Privacy would go out the window. I don't doubt that everyone is stressed to the max from the storm. Throw in crying babies, confused elderly folks, the total lack of creature comforts, the lack of almost everything you're familiar with, and most likely the fact that you can't return to your job if it's in the flood zone. It sounds like a nightmare to me. All that being said, I saw on TV a number of folks who stepped up to the plate and helped their neighbors, or even perfect strangers. There was a need and they met it. It's the way it should be and it's heartening. Most of us don't live in Texas or Louisiana and aren't directly impacted by the hurricane. Every night since Hurricane Harvey, I've laid down in my soft, comfortable bed with clean sheets. I get up in the morning and have a few cups of coffee and some breakfast, go get a long, hot shower and go to the closet and dresser to choose what clothes I want to wear that day. I sit in my easy chair and read my bible, turn on the TV and watch the news and enjoy the relative quiet of my living room. A lot of folks down in Texas and Louisiana don't get to enjoy even the most elementary comforts that I do right now. Through no fault of their own, their lives have been turned upside down. From what I can gather, it's going to take a lot of work, and a lot of time - perhaps even years to get Houston and surrounding areas back up and running totally. It's going to take time and it's going to take money. A lot of it. The government will help out of course, and if you pay taxes, you're indirectly helping I suppose. However, I hope that you will examine your hearts, and put yourself in the place of those folks and see if you could send a little something to help out. Personally, I like Samaritan's Purse. The Salvation Army is also a very good organization when it comes to helping out in natural disasters. Obviously the Red Cross is doing a lot down there. I know that I've been blessed, and as a christian, I have an obligation to help those in need.It's the right thing to do. I've often heard it said that you can't out give God, and I know that it's true. The bible says that those that give to the poor are lending to God. He's going to repay, with interest! So I'll ask, are you a river, or a reservoir? Will you let the blessings that you have flow out and bless others in their time of need or will you try to hoard it all? I assure you, if you give, then at a time when you may have a need, it will be met. Please be generous and help out our fellow Americans in their time of need. Thanks so much, and God bless you.


  1. This is such a good blog dad, I really enjoyed it. It's been nice to see how many people who have rallied together to give support to those that are needing it! Love you!

    1. Hi Autumn- thanks. It is heartening to see all the folks who have stepped up to the plate. Unfortunately, it's going to be a long time getting things squared away, and life goes on. I'm afraid that the need will be forgotten. I pray not. Hopefully I'll continue to help where I can, and prayer is always a good thing. We may never see how much good comes about because of the faithful prayer warriors out there, but I'm absolutely certain that it makes a difference. Talk to you soon. Love you too.


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