Words of Wisdom

 For the past several months I've been watching In Touch ministries on TBN on Sunday mornings before church. Dr. Charles Stanley is the pastor who speaks,and what he says really hits home for me. When I decided to start supporting his ministry, he sent me a packet that included the above message, along with a book mark that had nine life principles to live by. One of the principles should have been, keep an orderly space so that you can find what you want when you want it, because I've misplaced the bookmark in all the rush of life and lack of discipline in my housekeeping chores.  I suppose I'll find it eventually, or I hope I do. Dr. Stanley speaks from years of experience walking with God, and I value his wisdom. Of course all the wisdom in the world doesn't do a person any good if he doesn't utilize it. King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live is a prime example of that. What the good king needed more than wisdom or riches, was a heart that would obey God. That's exactly what we as  a people need, and me in particular. We are all born with a desire to do whatever we want, when we want it, and how we want it, and we want it now. We all want that Burger King experience, when they promise that we can have it our way. Of course the problem with that is that there are, what, seven billion people on earth? Guess what, we all want it our way. What happens when what I want is in conflict with what you want?  Hmmm.... trouble in paradise. But, what if I decided to do what it suggests there in Life Principle #2? What if I decided to obey God in every situation that confronts me? What kind of impact would that have on those around me? And what if you did the same? As I watch the news, it's apparent that the world is in great turmoil. In our own country the two political parties are at each other like cats and dogs. What would America be like if the leaders of both parties were to live by Life Principle #2? I'm quite certain that the mud-slinging and hateful rhetoric that has become so common in recent years wouldn't be able to rear it's ugly head. Perhaps there wouldn't even be two political parties, because we would all be in agreement with God. I imagine that this side of heaven that's not even practical to expect, but nonetheless, it has to start somewhere, and that somewhere has to start with me. I can't control what you do, but I can control what I do, and with the Lord's help, it will be to obey God, and leave the consequences to him. 


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