And Yet Another Grand Idea...

 I was down at Hoonah Trading shopping the other day. I'm usually there at least daily, sometimes multiple times per day. They have the only hardware store in town as well as groceries and fuel, plus Jan works there, and I often drop in when I'm picking her up for lunch.  I frequently end up buying something and of course automatically get a receipt, which I usually just put in my pocket.  It's not all that uncommon for me to have six or eight of the blasted things cluttering up  my pockets or the seat of the truck. Often they're scattered around the house, on the kitchen counter or the dining room table. When I received my mandatory receipt the other day, I happened to mention, wouldn't it be great if they made the receipts out of toilet paper? Then you would have something useful. If you went out hunting and the call of nature struck while  you were in the woods, you just reach right into your pocket and pull out a handful of receipts and you're good to go. No searching around for leaves or cutting the bottom of your favorite hunting shirt off. You might feel better about going shopping if after ending up with a cart full of groceries you realized that at least you didn't need to buy TP this time around, because the receipt was so long you'd have the family covered for a week. Even though you wouldn't have to purchase so much toilet paper at the store, the folks at Kimberly Clark or Kirkland wouldn't be too upset, they'll be increasing their bottom line by making the paper for the cash registers. It would be a win-win situation. If you happened to be walking down the street and your nose started to run, and you had forgotten you hanky, don't use your sleeve. Drop in to the local 7/11 and buy a slushy or a pack of gum. Wipe your nose with the receipt and you're on your way. It seems like the environmentalists would like it- you'd be using less paper. I mean, lets face it, aside from proof of purchase, what good is a receipt? I would venture to say, most of them go into the trash. The only time you might run into a problem would be during an audit by the IRS. When the accountant asks where's the receipt for this or that, it probably wouldn't go over too well if you mentioned that you flushed it down the toilet.


  1. BAHAHAH, you could call them tushy reciepts, or something more clever. ;)

    1. Hey Autumn- Ol' Swede, who used to run the ferry terminal years ago called toilet paper- bung fodder. I'm not sure how I could incorporate that into a cash register receipt that anyone would be glad to have, but there must be some way.

  2. Well dad you've done it again, I think that is a great idea. You should defiantly patent that idea. BHAHAHA funny blog for a Monday. love you.

    1. Hi Camille- I kind of like the idea myself. It would take some of the pain out of shopping.

  3. The first time I ever heard it was from Swede. He was one of those characters that made these little Alaskan towns unique.


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