Back in the Stall Again

  It runs in my mind that there is an old western song that talks about being back in the saddle again. I'm not sure, but  I assume it's because whoever was singing it was away from their  horse for awhile and had finally returned. I can really relate. Back on March 29th, when I hauled out the boat for some plank work, I had no idea that I wouldn't be returning the Bonnie J back to her assigned stall for almost four months. It's been years since I've missed this much time during the fishing season. I've been chomping at the bit to get out for quite some time. Unfortunately I missed the king salmon season and though historically there is a little mop up for the remaining quota in August, this year there will be no mop up. Part of it is politics and part science I guess. I won't be able to catch another king this year until the winter season starts on October 11. I may be down south then, so chances are I won't catch any kings this year at all. Bummer. If there is any silver lining at all, it's that the season hasn't been very good. The prices are low and there aren't many fish around, with the exception of Humpies. That's fine with me, I need some for halibut bait and to sell to the two stores in town who carry Tom's Halibaits for sport's fishermen. Personally, I think salmon is one of the best baits a person can use for halibut. It stays on the hook well, and has enough scent to attract them. Even with all the work I've done, I'm still dealing with a small leak around the rudder post. I thought I had it fixed, but this morning when I launched, my friend, Vince, said it was leaking. He put an extra strand of packing in the packing nut, but then he couldn't get it to tighten down. Right now I'm not too concerned about it, but I may take a little time and deal with it tomorrow. Little problems have a way of becoming big problems if you don't deal with them, especially on a boat. The time to take care of a problem is when you're tied up at your stall- not when you're battling six foot seas. Having spent the last four months on dry land, the boat really dried out badly. The red bottom paint that is showing is testimony to how dry it got. I need to get some fuel tomorrow, and that will help to bring it down a little, and as the wood swells it will take on some water weight. I'm glad that the wood does swell, it helps to close the seams and make the boat water tight. I like that. I want to keep the water on the outside of the boat- much less stressful that way. Anyway, for those who may be following this blog, I just thought I'd let you know, she's back where she belongs. Hopefully when I go to check on her tomorrow I won't see  just the mast and poles sticking up out of the water.


  1. I hope it all goes well. She looks good! Be safe out there. Love you.

  2. Thanks Autumn. I'm still dealing with an issue or two, but at least it's in the water and isn't drying out any more. Love you too.

  3. I'm so glad the boat is back in the water. I talked to mom yesterday and she said you were able to go out fishing, I'm so happy for you. Love you.

    1. Thanks Camille- Not much of a season this year. Lots and lots of humpies, no price and today it's sunny and windy, lousy for fishing. Oh well. Love you too.


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