Just like a Timex watch

     Years ago Timex watches came out with various commercials showing their watches being abused in assorted situations - people skiing down a slope and falling or a guy using a jack hammer or something along that line to show how tough their watches were. The announcer would come on and say - Timex watches, they take a licking and keep on ticking. Well, Jan and I celebrated our forty third wedding anniversary recently and I'm pleased to say, we're still ticking along. I didn't say tickling, I said ticking, like a watch. I didn't include any pictures of us as we look now, the contrast is so great, that you probably wouldn't believe that it was the same two people. It's amazing what time does to a person. I wish I weighed now what I did in these pictures. I think I had a 29 inch waist then. Heck, my head probably wouldn't fit into a 29 inch stocking cap right now. I can't recall when the last time was that my hair was anything but grey... or white. I suppose I was more handsome back then, in an immature, boyish sort of way. They made me shave off my mustache when I went into boot camp, which I guess was just as well, at the time it made me look like I'd been drinking chocolate milk and needed to wipe off my mouth. I didn't waste any time when I got out of boot camp; we were married I think just a few days later. While I was in boot camp I became painfully aware of how lonely a fellow can get, and I didn't want to let someone else scarf up Jan while I was off on a ship somewhere. It was the best decision I've ever made in my life. We've been through a lot; seven children, ten grandchildren, ten years at a religious community in the wilderness of Alaska, assorted illnesses, childhood traumas, lousy fishing seasons, a plane wreck and having nine people crammed together in a one bathroom home to mention just a few.  We have a very dear friend who just got married. She did it right, waited for the right man and didn't compromise her values, even though time was marching on and the desire to be married was great. I'm delighted for her. I believe that she will have a lasting marriage. I would just remind her though, that there is no Camelot. Trouble will find us no matter who we are, but what a blessing to find the right mate to go through life with. With a loving spouse and the blessings of the Lord, there isn't anything that you can't face together. I pray that everyone who is married, whether you're a newly wed or an old couple like Jan and I will take a minute to reflect on what attracted you to that person and will  let them know you love them.


  1. My favorite blog so far dad! Love you both!

  2. I'm glad you like it Autumn. Love you too.

  3. So grateful that you and mom have not wavered in your vows. I wish so many others took marriage as serious as you both. Love you both so much. Liz

    1. Hi Liz- quitting wasn't ever really an option for us. Of course we came from a different era, but really, a vow is a vow. It wasn't always fun, but it takes time to make a diamond and it's been worth it. Love you too Liz. Thanks for commenting.

  4. HI Shannon- congratulations on your first year! We're glad we know you too, just sad to hear that you'll be leaving. It seems to happen quite a lot here. Hopefully we'll get a chance to get together before you go.

  5. Loved this blog. Hard to believe its been so long...n we all come from an era where divorce is almost or is 50%...so thankful I found rem or he found me. God def had His hand in it. Me n the kids are so blessed


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