The Prince of Blankets

Well, here I am again, in my usual state of confusion and uncommon frustration. I'm using a new laptop that I had purchased, or more accurately will purchase when I get the bill from my son-in-law. I needed the laptop for the boat so I can download a GPS program that is more up to date than what I have now. Anyway, not only am I trying to get used to this new computer, I'm having issues with  the internet. I know, I know, it's shocking. Somehow I managed to get one picture downloaded for this blog post. I don't know what I did to download it, and I don't know where the other ones are that I took. I'm sure they're floating around inside this black  box, but I don't know the magic words to make them come out. Kind of like my brain when I'm searching for a word. Having a dictionary or thesaurus won't help at all if you don't know what word you want to use to begin with.
  Some years back there was a movie called The Prince of Tides. I remember watching it, or part of it, but I couldn't tell you what it was about to save my soul. I did like the title though, so I'm putting a little twist on it to describe our dog. Without question, in this house, he's the Prince of Blankets. If you look closely, you can see his little black snout sticking out from the edge of the afghan.  He's got the afghan that his grandma made for one of the kids, the green blanket that Jan had made some years ago, probably for another one of the kids, he's also laying on a soft, fuzzy acrylic "blang" that covers his double layered dog bed, then I have to cover him with my favorite blanket when I go to bed so that he'll slumber comfortably all night. Then there are a couple of blankets that we covered the couch with so he doesn't tear it up when he's jumping up onto the back to look out. Then of course he needs to rest on the couch after so much serious searching out the window and has to be covered again. It's really rather nauseating. We've become the people that I used to hate; those obnoxious clowns who spoil their pets and have multitudes of pictures of them and speak to them like they're babies. It's just plain pitiful. We had to send him to the vet a few days ago because he had a fatty tumor on one of his dog boobs. He looked like he needed a one cup bra. We put off sending him in, I guess hoping it would go away on it's own., like that would ever really happen. So, much to all of our sorrow, we had to stuff him in a cage and take him to the airport. Of course there was all kind of crying and whining going on... and you should have heard the dog too. I really felt bad for him. The poor little fellow couldn't even have breakfast before he left. You know, when you can't have sex, and you can't eat, life pretty much comes to a standstill when you're a dog. The only thing left to do is sleep, and who the heck can sleep in a crowded kennel? In any event, he made it over and back the same day and we all  had a pleasant reunion. As you can imagine though, the operation cost an arm and a leg, and as much as I would like to make him get a job to help out around the house, I guess we'll be hung with the bill. Perhaps we could get his Aunt Jill to teach him how to crochet and he could make me a blanket.


  1. Oh Tom, what a laugh this post gave me! Rigby has you folks wrapped around his paw, that's for sure! But then, the cats call many a tune at my house, so I guess I can't call that kettle black...! Well, I don't know how to crochet, but perhaps I could teach him to quilt, and he could make you an heirloom, if he has time to fit those lessons into his busy schedule!

  2. Hi Jill- I knew you did something with threads or yarn I just couldn't remember what. I'll check with his agent and see if he can squeeze in a little time between naps and eating for some lessons with you.

  3. I can just see him looking over at you while his little paws work away on knitting needles....the sound of needles clicking reverberates throughout the house!

  4. He'd probably insist that they be made of bone so he could munch on then while he worked.

  5. Ahaha...he would put on mom's reading glasses which would extend way out on the sides of his face so he could look over them disapprovingly.

  6. Pretty good plan going there; you don't have to cart the same blanket from place to place to keep the dog happy. Now, if you had a recliner in every room...

  7. If only I had room for a recliner in every room. Of course then I'd never get anything done and I'd end up with a bad case of recliner back which would make walking difficult.


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