
Do you remember when you were a kid, and just after Thanksgiving all the flyers would start coming out with pictures of toys and other delights? The anticipation of the upcoming Christmas holiday would build to such a crescendo that by the time Christmas Eve arrived, you were worked into such a frenzy that the chance that you would actually fall asleep before the wee hours of the morning were about as good as winning the lottery. It's been like that for me with this boat project. I'm not a patient man, so of course what profession do I choose but one that at times requires infinite amounts of patience. Add to that the fact that we had seven children, which Jan and I raised over a course of twenty seven years. Tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor! It took exactly four months from the time I hauled the boat out until today to repair the boat and return it to the water. I've been through every emotion known to man during this process. Prior to hauling it out in February I worried about something going wrong while being hauled out. Once I saw the extent of the rot in planks, I was embarrassed that it was is such poor shape. As work progressed I was amazed that it didn't sink underneath me. As John continued to work his magic, I became envious of his skill. After about the hundredth person asked me when I was going to launch her,I got angry. As one month stretched to two then three and finally four, impatience reared it's ugly head.  I had to wait day after day for the rain to subside so I could paint or John could caulk. It was incredibly frustrating. Finally,as I looked over the completed project, I experienced a feeling of pride... quickly followed by fear that I may have overlooked something. It didn't take long for me to start doubting myself, wondering if I forgot something, or thinking perhaps I should have gone the extra mile and re caulked the gar board seam or triple checked to make sure all the fastenings in the bottom were secure. Frankly there were days when my emotions were like an ad for the Olympics- from the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat, all in one short day. It's no wonder I'm as grey as a goose. For my next emotion, I guess I'll visit anxiety again, coupled with some fear and doubt. Somehow I've got to pay for all the time I spent in the harbor yard, to say nothing of paying John. Guess I better get out fishing.


  1. It looks great, will be praying for a great fishing season! Love you!

  2. Looks excellent dad congratulations. Really hope you slay the salmon this year.. Take care and be safe.

  3. Thanks Autumn. I can use all the prayer I can get. So far there hasn't been any salmon showing at all, but that's not all bad. At least I'm not all spastic wondering what I'm missing.

    Thanks Brian. It was a lot of hard work and really trying physically and mentally- and soon financially, but it had to be done. I couldn't just run the old girl up onto the beach and let her get picked apart by vandals.

  4. That is one spiffy lookin' boat.

  5. Hell no you couldn't run her aground...too many memories..She is looking really nice...Good luck fishing this summer Dad.


  6. Thanks Todd- I don't know how long it will stay looking like this. It usually doesn't take long for some paint to get rubbed off at a dock or to have creosote smear off a piling. They always look good when they first get painted. It still needs some plank work done amongst other things. I just don't know when I'll be able to ge to it. So far the reports from everywhere is that the fish haven't shown yet. Couple that with record high fuel prices and tons of competition for the few fish that may be around, it might be tough trying to make ends meet this year. I'm really glad I got the work done while I could.

    Hey Ben- lots of memories, but not all good. I've had more fearful, anxious moments on the boat than at any other place in my life. The flip side is that when it's good, there's no better life. I hope that when it's time to call it quits the boat will be in good enough shape to provide someone else some good memories

  7. She's a beauty! Glad you got her in the water...been reading your's a good one. Thanks for the note too:) Love you, Liz

  8. HI Liz- Yesterday I finally got blood on the deck- and it wasn't my own! I'm going to do a post on the fish I caught- hopefully today. Glad you like the book. Talk to ya soon.


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