Why, yes, we are related, how could you tell?

Ok, I'll admit it... I do know the crazy looking lady in the top two pictures. She's actually my daughter Autumn. She inherited the wonderful ability of entertaining herself with just whatever piece of flotsam or jetsam happens to be drifting through her somewhat clouded mind at the time. I don't have the slightest idea  what she was thinking when these two pictures were taken. I do know that she was in the process of baking a wedding cake for a gal here in town and incredibly, it came out looking great. She also took the wedding pictures. She's quite talented in the art department and has been commissioned to bake a number of different cakes for assorted functions. I've seen pictures of the cakes  and they really are wonderful, which is somewhat surprising considering the attire she has chosen for a baker's cap. However, I guess I have little to say when you consider I started off the new year wearing a chicken hat. I should point out though, that Jennifer was wearing it first, actually advertising it for a school function; I just happened to buy it off of her. Since I've lived with Autumn since she was born, I'm not really shocked by any of the off the wall expressions she displays. It started years ago when I was still working at the L.Kane Store. I was looking out the back door and I noticed her walking down the street behind the store. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on... then, out of the blue she stopped, stuck her lower jaw out, exposing her bottom teeth and proceeded to bob her head from side to side rapidly, while extending her head the full length of her neck. I stood there watching with my mouth agape, wondering what the hell I was observing. I wasn't sure if she was having a seizure,or if I should go hug her, tackle her or put a sack over her face before anyone else saw what was going on. I guess I was in a semi-state of shock, because I just stood there watching, half way anticipating what was to come next.  To say the least it was incredibly entertaining. After thirty seconds or so, she stopped and continued on her way, oblivious to the fact that she had an audience. I'm not sure what scenario was playing through her mind at the time, but when I went home and showed Jan, we immediately adopted the same act. My mother-in-law liked it so well she started doing it too. The kid in the bottom picture who looks somewhat questionable is my grandson Kristian. Go figure. Don't let the face fool you, he was the valedictorian last year, just as his mother Jen was when she graduated some years back. I should point out that there were only four kids in his graduating class, but that's neither here nor there. Because of his standing in the class, my family was afforded the honor of sitting in the front row at the graduation. I happened to be sitting next to Autumn and had a running commentary during the whole ceremony. That was probably a mistake. I should have been sitting next to Jan, I might have behaved myself. As it was though, Autumn and I spent most of the ceremony in stitches. Frankly I was shocked that we weren't asked to leave. In any event, I guess the old saying, you can't judge a book by it's cover is probably true; even Einstein looked a little shaky.


  1. I don't know about the clouded mind part, but I sure don't remember what I was thinking at the time. Probably a good thing. And as far as Bubby's graduation, we would have been fine if you hadn't started acting like you were marching along to the music while the kids were walking down the aisle!

  2. Oh my goodness...we are all a bunch of nuts but look who our parents are:):) Just kidding, we are blessed to have a great family and very thankful we all have fun!Liz

  3. Hi Autumn- no offense intended- I just didn't think that with that look on your face you could be thinking clearly at the time. Actually you've been blessed with the same ability as me to always find something entertaining going on inside. I find myself laughing at some idea or another when there is no one around- which is probably a good thing.

    Hi Liz- I'd much rather have fun at the expense of looking silly than to be sober all the time. Life is too short to take everything too seriously. We have to laugh or we'll implode. It's always a good time when you kids come together... as long as you're quiet by 10:00 PM. Love you girls!

  4. Love you too dad! Is all good, overall it's pretty funny! I am able to entertain myself quite well. And no wonder with that picture, it's horrible! Always a good time with the family though! We inherited good traits from you and mom, I love it!

  5. Loved the blog, Tom! All of your kids are unique, loving, and fun! You and Jan are a blessing, so you have, in turn, been blessed :)

  6. Thanks Jill- we have been blessed. I have to admit,it's a lot more fun when your kids have grown up and you can have adult conversations. They all have a good sense of humor- which is a real asset.

  7. Great blog dad, I could just picture Autumn going down the street in her own little world doing something like that. HAHAAHAHAH. Love you.

  8. Hi Camille- yeah, it was hilarious. We've gotten a lot of mileage out of that little incident. Once in a while when we're listening to music your mom will start doing that- it never fails to crack me up.

  9. Hahaha...omg...I'm sittin here in stitches myself after reading that blog...I'm sure I'll hafta reference it at later times when I'm havin a rough day...Ugh...I can totally remember that entire scenario with Autumn and how every now n again everyone would stop and start the Autumn bob....that and when Ben cut his bangs and we'd all stop and pull our bangs up n stare at him...wow....we've got some great memories thanks to you and mom....and eachother...couldn't have asked for a better family to grow up in....sure miss bein with ya'll..but so glad we have so many fond memories to look back on...and ya'll are never far away in thought and with a phone call..love you! AJ


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