Fall Evenings

It's hard to believe, but fall is here already. Actually it was starting to feel like fall several weeks ago when it was still August. I didn't really want to acknowledge it then, but it can't be denied. You wake up one morning and it just feels different. There is a chill in the air and the cottonwood trees start to show yellow in the leaves. The wind blows and you have to reach for a jacket when just days ago you were peeling off the layers because of the heat. I'm not sure I'm ready for summer to end. I'd like to catch more fish, maybe sit out on the lounge chairs on the front porch and talk to folks walking up and down the street and barbeque a few more salmon. I want to grab for the summer as it slips away and plead with it to stay just a little longer, but the days are getting shorter, the fish are getting fewer as they make their way up the creeks and rivers and my internal clock is saying its time to slow down. I wouldn't mind the fall if I knew that winter wasn't lurking, waiting to pounce, bringing cold and snow and misery. I guess I can't really complain though. Overall it's been a glorious summer. We had a good balance between the sun and the rain, the wind wasn't too bad most days and the fishing was pretty fair. We didn't have to deal with droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes or floods. No killer bees, Tarantulas, snakes or Gila Monsters. The worst that happened was a tourist tried to take a leak by my tree out front. Fortunately my neighbor put an end to that before it got started. Maybe I can get a rental toilet  placed on the corner. Tom's Toilets and Potties. "Can't wait? Have a seat! For only a buck you can have a great deal of relief.!" If it's not the bears it's the tourists. Oh well. Every place needs something to keep it from being a complete paradise. Other wise everyone would move there and it would be hell.


  1. Good blog dad, love the pictures.

  2. Good pictures as usual, and I'm liking the toilet slogan!

  3. HI Girls- glad you liked the pictures. I should get a job in advertizing, maybe make some big bucks coming up with catchy slogans. Maybe start a new line of toilet paper called Wipe Out or some such thing. My mind never rests,it's always working on something. I just wish it would work on something useful once in awhile.

  4. Perhaps, dad, you should seriously look into persuing that advertising position...you'd be good at it....every company and product could use some of your humor backin it up....it was an amusing post, once again....thinkin you could probably pay for your daily moca if nothing else with the porta-potty idea alone..Hell....a couple hundred shits could pay that bad boy off for ya before you knew it;-) Love you...hopefully catch up with ya soon...AJ


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