
 Like most of the rest of the world I've been watching the scenes in Japan unfold with a sense of horror and a feeling of sorrow for the people who have been affected. Who amongst us hasn't been affected in one way or another? As I've sat in front of the TV night after night and seen the devestation, I've been left with a feeling of despair and helplessness. I wish this hadn't happened, but it did. Every night I go to bed asking God to be merciful to those people and  to us. As bad as I feel for the folks in Japan, I'm also thankful that it didn't happen here. I'm struggling with the thoughts that I'm having- saddness that it happened, guilt for sitting here fat and happy and not having to deal with the tragedy directly, and a little anger.  I think I'm angry at God for not relenting, or intervening to prevent even more sorrow. Then it struck me today that I'm judging God. He's not doing what I think He should be doing. Why doesn't He do this or that? That's what I'd do if I were in charge. None if this would have happened if I had been running the show. These are lofty thoughts for someone who can't even tune up his car or run his computer or even play an instrument. When I stop long enough to think about it, I realize that I'm looking at things through a little pin hole, while  He see's the whole picture.  In the bible, Job, a man whom God considered blameless and upright was tested in almost every way conceivable. He lost his home, his children, his posessions and his health. To make matters worse his friends who came to comfort him added to his sorrow by assuming he was at fault for his many troubles. Even his wife turned against him and told him to curse God and die. For thirty seven chapters he complains in bitterness of spirit and through it all he wants to know why.  When God answers Job, he doesn't explain why  this has happened, instead  He asks the questions. " Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me if you understand."  He goes on to question Job about all the wonders of the world that He has created. At one point He asks, ' Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?" It's a sobering question and one that I have to ask myself when things happen that are beyond my control. I don't believe the Lord objects to our questioning him. I think we'd all like to know why certain things happen in our lives, so often they don't make sense. If He were  to explain the reason for doing what He does, would I be able to understand? Would it matter one way or the other? I think for now the question I have to ask is- what can I do to help those who are in such desparate need? I know of two worthwhile organizations who are already in the process of helping the folks in Japan. Samaritan's Purse and the Salvation Army are established in the country and need donations. Perhaps this disaster has happened to see how we will respond, I don't know. I do  know that God is merciful and gets no pleasure in the death or suffering of anyone and I think He would be pleased to see His people helping their fellow man. In the meantime, the sun will rise and set. People will die and be born. There will be earthquakes and storms and fires and all manner of unpleasant things and as long as we are on this earth we'll all experience sorrow in one form or another, but there will also be many more good things. Families and friends and good food and all manner of joyful times; and when hard times come upon us, there will be good hearted people willing to step up to the plate and sacrifice to help their fellow man. God bless us all.


  1. Well said dad. And, beautiful picture.
    Love you.

  2. Thankyou everyone for your comments. It's hard to know what to say when something like this happens. I guess it's best not to think about it too much and just speak from the heart and hope for the best.

  3. Excellent post! Really does make you look at things differently. We are a bunch of spoiled Americans who take for granted so much. God help us all is right...could be us. Liz

  4. Very well written...I guess it does make a person step back and look at the bigger picture and realize that even though things might be difficult now n again, we aren't going through anything like what Japan is in the middle of.


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