A Feathered Visitor
I came home from the boat in the afternoon last week and Jan met me at the door and said there was an eagle on the ground out back. I didn't want to spook it or cause it undue distress if it was sick or hurt, so went to the kitchen and looked out the window. Sure as the world, an adult bald eagle was resting on a hemlock root in the back yard. I looked it over as carefully as I could with the window between us, and I couldn't really determine that there was anything wrong with it. Of course this happened on Memorial Day, so there weren't any government offices open. I didn't want to contact the cops, because I figured they knew about as much about eagles as I did, and the wildlife trooper was probably either out checking on fishermen or enjoying the holiday himself. I tried calling two different bird ladies here in town, but neither of them responded, so I figured he was going to be on his own for a day or two. Sometimes when eagles grab large salmon they en...