Red Flag Laws
I seldom buy the local news paper, The Juneau Empire. I find it to be increasingly a liberal rag that I strongly disagree with. Like so much of what passes for news now, it's become more of a medium of left leaning commentary. However, a week or so ago, I bought a paper because there was an article concerning the ferry. For those of us who live in Southeast Alaska, you already know what I'm talking about. The lack of ferry service has severely impacted us in terms of getting groceries and other supplies into the smaller towns which are serviced by the ferries. In any event, since I already had the paper, I figured I would see if there were any other articles that might be of interest to me. There on the front page was a picture of a teen aged girl and two women who I guess were mothers on a mission to pass a red flag law here in Alaska. I read it with concern and promptly sent an email off to my state representatives. For those not familiar with it, the red flag law...