What's in a Name?

I went out fishing this morning, but the weather is so foul that I decided to come home early and try to get a picture to download for the blog. This little stream flows into Chatham Straits and as far as I know salmon run up it, but on the day this picture was taken there weren't any that we could see. The name of this stream is Featherduster Creek. I like the name. I don't know why it's called Featherduster. There is usually a reason that something is named a particular thing. Ears Mountain is so named because it looks like the ears on a bears head. Port Frederick is named after the son of one of the kings of Europe. My boys are named after myself and both sets of grandfathers. I don't know who I was named after. No one that I know of. In fact Tom isn't the name on my birth certificate. It's Tommy. I don't say anything to Mom about it, but that's a name that could get a guy beat up in grade school. I always went by Tom. That didn't keep me from e...